Monday, March 5, 2012

Tic Tac What?

Have you seen the latest Tic Tac animated commercial? They say the average person spends more time in the restroom in their lifetime than they will on vacation. So I start thinking, wow, I really need to vacation more.

Then I thought, "What the hell does that have to do with Tic Tacs?"

Now I get and usually really appreciate quirky, clever advertising, but seriously! What does time spent in the bathroom and on vacation have to do with little candies?

I Agree with Hank

I love King of the Hill and my favorite episode was all about the insanity of low-flow toilets. I love mother earth just as much as the next tree hugger. I recycle - a lot! And I yell at my husband when he doesn't recycle.

Can't we meet in the middle on this one? How about lower-flow, but not so low I have to flush 3 times to get the same result? Just sayin'.

Flush Twice

Please flush twice. Is that really too much to ask?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Favorite Stall

You know you have one. For me, at work, it's the stall on the very end that's not directly across from the sinks. In other restrooms, it's always the second one - or the one that's the cleanest. If I'm somewhere there's kids, it's the stall with the toilet that's flushed or if I'm at Rice-Eccles stadium, it's the one with the dry floor.

What's yours?